I love reading webcomics. Here's a list of
webcomics I've enjoyed, past and current. I used to list 0 - 10
ratings in six different traits for each comic along with an overall
score, but... I decided that was a little too geeky and that it was
presumptuous to assume anyone would care that assiduously. The
older comics have older descriptions from me.
Title/Artist | Link/Activity
Status (as of July 2021) |
20-word synopsis |
Comments |
The Order of the Stick By Rich Burlew | https://www.giantitp.com/ Active. | Originally a loving stick-figure spoof of Dungeons
& Dragons, it's grown into a smart, emotionally moving,
masterfully crafted epic. | Served as the original host for Erfworld. |
Carry On By Kathy Garrison |
http://www.hirezfox.com/km/ Active. |
An American
journalist turns out to be heiress to a celebrated African hyena
dukedom at the heart of machiavellian conflict! |
It started as a rather shallow gag strip, but
suddenly got good when the cartoonist moved the action to East
Africa! |
Freefall By Mark Stanley |
http://freefall.purrsia.com/ Active. |
An alien starship captain notorious for artful
shenanigans, an AI wolf engineer, a future of lovable robots...
science and silliness! |
You can learn a lot from this slow-paced
comic. The creator is friends with creators of several other
comics, including Carry On. |
Nancy By Olivia Jaimes |
https://www.gocomics.com/nancy/ Active. |
Nancy knows she's destined for greatness, but how
can she achieve it without working? Hypocrisy, metahumor and
sight gags galore. |
Not actually a webcomic, but I read it there! A
century-old legacy comic noted for experiencing a renaissance
under a new, female cartoonist. |
Uh Oh it's a Dinosaur By andrwblz |
http://itsadinosaur.com/comic/pk1-00/ Active. |
A cartoonist is sent a mysterious talking lizard
thing that wants to explore the world. Fascinating wacky
casts of characters! |
Starts in black and white, reboots later in color,
and gets a bit less wacky. The titular dinosaur is,
possibly, the cutest thing ever imagined. |
Gaia By Powree and Oliver Knörzer |
http://www.sandraandwoo.com/gaia/ Complete. |
I never grasped the plot of this strip, but it has
detailed magic, thieves, artifacts, heists, traps, adventure,
dragons and love! |
Projection Edge By Thomas K. Dye |
http://newshounds.keenspot.com/ Active. |
In a world where pets are basically second-class
people, dogs have a spiritual ability to visit an astral realm... |
From the creator of Newshounds, and set in what
appears to be the same world. |
False Knees By Joshua |
https://falseknees.com/ Sporadic. |
Fascinating things to look at given quirky
personalities and ennui. Lots of birds trying to wrap their
heads around existence. |
Pretty darn Canadian! Maybe even... French
Canadian? |
Faux Pas By Robert and Margaret Carspecken |
Active; posted MWF. |
Genuine, high-quality cuteness--not the fakey saccharine stuff! Stars foxes on a ranch for animals used in the movies. | I used to buy prints and cards from the creators
and was on their Christmas list for a while. They're sweet. |
Angels with Broken Hearts By M. B. Saunders |
http://angelswithscalywings.com/comics/ Active. |
Slice of life, romance, friendship, scientific
rivalry, small town dragons, post-apocalyptic struggle, politics,
police procedure, science fiction prequel story. |
A crowdfunded continuation of the visual novel
Angels With Scaly Wings, this crowdfunded strip features three
arcs drawn by different artists. |
Demon Eater by JillyFoo |
http://demoneater.thecomicseries.com/comics/ On apparent hiatus. |
The world is just a fleshscape of demons eating
other demons to survive... plus portals to the mysterious human
world. |
The Out-of-Placers By Valsalia |
https://www.valsalia.com/ Active. |
In a fantasy city-state, a man is transformed into
a silly rat-kobold thing with unsettling (but thematic) results. |
Valsalia is the reason I joined Patreon... and the
inventor of yinglets, which are a thing on the internet! |
Learn to Live by Umbrascythe |
https://www.deviantart.com/umbrascythe/art/Learn-To-Live-1-670169839 Active. |
Inspired by The Out-of-Placers, a yinglet raised by
humans seeks life among his own kind (and forgotten memories). |
A fan comic hosted on DeviantArt that's lovingly
rendered, even if it doesn't have the comedy of the original. |
bimshwellian comicoid by bimshwel |
http://bimshwel.com/ope/wud/ Occasionally updated. |
Colorful schlemiels and schlemazels navigating an
exquisitely alien cartoon world. Psychedelic slapsticky
creature fiction in which nothing ever goes right. |
Or maybe it's called Repugnance Pagoda, or chard
parthenon. Or just Bimshwel. The author seems to very
artfully hate himself but I'm sure the truth is far more nuanced. |
Forward By Tailsteak |
http://www.forwardcomic.com/ Active. |
Thoughtfully crafted 22nd-century fiction exploring
how one goes about living in a utopia. Ennui, awkwardness,
and artificial intelligence abound. |
The strip has comments every day that are often
more insightful or entertaining than the strip itself.
Bonus! |
Superosity By Chris Crosby |
http://superosity.keenspot.com/ Active. |
Surreal comic packed with gratuitous absurdities, unique humor, bizarre characters, pop culture references, disgustingly funny art and dialogue. Keenspot's first. | One of the oldest continuously updated webcomics
out there. |
Homestuck By Andrew Hussie |
https://www.homestuck.com/ Ran from 2009 to 2016. |
Four children play a computer game that turns out
to encompass the world. Partly audience-driven.
Bizarre, epic, beautiful, hilarious. |
My pick for the most intricate story ever
told. Its fandom is extensive and games about this webcomic
are still coming out. |
Prequel or Making a Cat Cry: The Adventure By Kazerad |
https://www.prequeladventure.com/ Very sporadic. |
Reader-influenced story of a naive adventurer,
patterned on Homestuck and set in the Elder Scrolls world.
Intelligent and droll. |
With Ch'marr and various others assisting with
assets. |
Wondermark By David Malki |
http://wondermark.com/ Finished? |
Thoughtful, conversational, creatively illustrated
comics about ideas and odd people created with a big dump of
Edwardian/Victorian clip art. |
Also check out his novels and other work. |
xkcd By Randall Munroe |
https://xkcd.com/ Active. |
Insightful variety strip about science, society, math, metahumor, stick figures, and geeky stuff. Occasional epics and creative pictographs. Very intelligent! | Perhaps the world's most influential webcomic? |
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal By Zach Weinersmith |
https://www.smbc-comics.com/ Active. |
Lessons about life, philosophy, human frailty,
God's foibles, robots, aliens, obsessive people, dysfunctional
relationships, bizarre schemes, science, and professional
failures. |
Comparable to xkcd, but more depressing. The
creator has written books and produced events! The early
single panel strips have an arguably better flavor. |
Erfworld By Rob Balder |
https://archives.erfworld.com/ Defunct. |
An intricate epic set in the world of a cutesy
fictional fantasy wargame. Life is war! Great
characters and philosophy. |
Before its tragic collapse, this was perhaps the
biggest overall project of any webcomic-centered endeavor in the
world. |
1/0 By Tailsteak |
oneoverzero.keenspace.com Ended after 1000 strips. |
Talking molecules, earthworm, grassman, eyeball, living on a dead bear. A brilliant thought experiment examining relations between creator and created. | |
Zebra Girl By Joe England |
http://zebragirl.thecomicseries.com/ Complete, with occasional new material. |
A young woman is accidentally turned into a demon,
sending her family on journeys through the beautiful, terrifying
supernatural world. |
It starts a bit loosey-goosy and gets much tighter,
both in terms of art and story. By the end, oh my gosh the gravity
of things. |
General Protection Fault By Jeffrey Darlington |
www.gpf-comics.com Active; posted daily. |
Story of a small software firm. Interesting characters, high drama, whimsical storylines. Includes romance, espionage, geek humor, parodies, the works. | |
Schlock Mercenary By Howard Tayler |
www.schlockmercenary.com Ended several years ago. |
A space mercenary company's complicated, perilous
and lucrative exploits in a future filled with AIs, aliens,
intrigue and government incompetence. |
Bob the Angry
Flower By Stephen Notley |
www.angryflower.com Active; posted weekly. |
A vainglorious orgy
of ideas. Storytelling without bounds (or stories).
Title character does everything. Used to be better and
funnier. |
Leftover Soup By Tailsteak |
http://www.leftoversoup.com/first.php Ended in 2019. |
A web of
interesting characters living life. Awkward roommates and
situations, polyamory, roleplaying, cooking, ambiguous romance, a
little crime drama. |
Triangle and
Robert by Patrick Shaunnessey |
http://home.attbi.com/~pshaughn/tandr.html Active; posted daily. |
The ultimate in
self-reference. Polygons grapple with cartoonist for
meaning. Wacky quests, cuisine magic, geeky references,
overarching plotlines, philosophy. |
Bruno By Chris Baldwin |
www.brunostrip.com/bruno.html Active; posted MTWTh. |
The life and times
of a wandering Gen-Xer. Deeply moving, unabashedly liberal,
philsophical, acerbic, internally consistent. Cast of dozens. |
Vainglorious By Kelly |
https://www.vaingloriouscomic.com/ Active. |
An impudent dragon challenges his queen and finds
himself exiled in human form, in need of help from hapless
bystanders. |
Absurd Notions By Kevin Pease |
www.absurdnotions.org Highly irregular. The creator updates either the strip or his journal strip, Why The Long Face, every week or so. |
Adult roomates with
varying personalities. Sys-admin, goofy artist, simpleton,
programmer. Social satire, speculative humor, the occasional
role-playing sequence. |
21st Century Fox By Scott Kellogg |
techfox.keenspace.com Active; posted 3-4 times weekly. |
Wide-eyed science
fiction in an anthropomorphic world. Marvels of engineering,
artifical intelligence, space colonization, fast vehicles!
Colorful and fun. |
Kevin and Kell By Bill Holbrook |
www.herdthinners.com Active; posted daily. |
Combines computer
humor with animal jokes. Celebrates diversity. A large
cast developed over years. Getting tired, but was awesome
once. |
Ozy and Millie By D.C. Simpson |
www.ozyandmillie.org Active; posted daily. |
Two small town fox
children, one contemplative, one hyperimaginative, find solace as
fellow misfits. Could be profound, but squanders it. |
Goats By Jon Rosenberg |
www.goats.com Active; posted MWFSu. |
A bizarre bar and
the adventures of the crazies who call it home. Highly
surreal humor, melodramatic plotlines, ridiculous characters. |
Online |
www.sabrina-online.com Slow but active; 3-5 strips monthly. |
A reclusive web
designer who works for a porn company and her quiet social
dramas. And her living Transformers. Anthropomorphic. |
Untitled.gif | http://untitledgif.org Irregular. |
An incredibly
brilliant, incredibly insane tapestry of satire, economics,
politics, surrealism, and broken lingo. The humor works
perfectly for me. |
Bohemials |
www.albionfuzz.com Discontinued. Archive available for download. |
A gloomy look at
the poverty-level artistic intelligentsia of England.
Emotionally potent. Changed names, venues a couple
times. Anthropomorhic. |
Jungle By |
www.suburbanjungle.com Active but somewhat unreliable. Posted MWFSu. |
A low-octane soap
opera about a model, her friends and career. Anthropomorphic
and very much character-driven. Rather popular. |
Bruno the Bandit By Ian McDonald |
www.brunothebandit.com Complete. |
A high-quality
ongoing fantasy satire. A boorish bandit and microdragon
undergo humorous quests that reflect the silliness of humanity. |
Living in Greytown By Dave Kelly |
http://www.livingingreytown.com/ Complete. |
A brash, unconstrained, elemental drama of a wacky town that none can escape. Unpredictable, filled with love, lust, and hatred. | |
Lizard By Dave Kelly |
www.lizardcomics.com Complete. |
The sequel to
Living in Greytown, it follows the most lovable family into
American life. Cuter and sweeter than LiG. |
Megatokyo By Fred Gallagher |
www.megatokyo.com Still active apparently. |
Two young Americans
stranded in Japan make a life amid embarrassing romances, untapped
superstardom, cute androids and diminuitive guardian angels. |
Pupkin By Bobby Crosby |
www.bobbycrosby.com No longer active. |
A fat puppy tumbles
from owner to owner, seeking love in an incomprehensible
world. Anything can happen in this strip. |
Wigu By Jeffrey Rowland |
http://www.overcompensating.com/adventures/ Completd. |
A crazy romp through reality and beyond. One motley family's adventures, aided by trascendant interdimensional video game stars. Good fun. | |
Sore Thumbs By Chris Crosby and Owen Gieni |
http://www.sorethumbsonline.com/ Complete. |
A raving conservative, liberal extremist, irresponsible bubblehead and castrated country veteran run a video game store. Culture-savvy and atypical. |