Woolly Love
A parody of “Fishy Love” by Griffinilla
From Ringcaat's Undertale story Alphys and the Queen
Ooo, the hottest thing in the Ruins!
You’re what I’ve been dreaming of, got a case of woolly love!
When we play, we never care who wins!
You’re as peaceful as a dove, got a case of woolly love!
Does she know that I adore her?
Would she think I’m too young for her?
Because I’m still in my twenties
And she’s in her late four thousands—!
<awkward pause>
Maybe she’ll teach me her baking…
I’ll teach her video gaming!
It’s really kind of the same thing…
And later on,
When I couldn’t take any more, she’d
tuck me in and tell me a story—
Oh my god, I’m crushing on Tori!
Oh did I say that out—
No, did I say that out loud?
Ooo, she’s like a bed to my pillow!
You’re what I’ve been dreaming of, got a case of woolly love!
Ooo, she’s like a giant marshmallow
Bursting with integrity! She’s got so much more than me.
<dance break>
Does she know that I adore her?
Would she think I’m too young for her?
Because I’m still in my twenties
And she’s in her late four thousands!
Maybe she’ll teach me her baking…
I’ll teach her video gaming!
It’s kinda sorta the same thing…
And later on,
When I couldn’t take any more, she’d
tuck me in and tell me a story—
Oh my god, I’m crushing on Tori!
Alphys, you make me so—
Alphys, you make me so proud!
Yooou used to think you were a sinner!
But it was only SIN-amon!
That was such an awful pun.
Toriel, how long have you been standing there?!
I was crouched behind the chair.
Okay, that just isn’t fair.
Yooou are like dessert after dinner!
I’m like putty in your hands!
What do you think of that, Sans?
well, i guess that means that you should shape her.
Let us gather for a hug!
Got a case of woolly love!