The Hearts
By Thorin N. Tatge
(To “The Rose”, by Amanda McBroom.)
Some say hearts, they are the chambers
Where tenderness is kept.
Some say hearts, they are the vessels
Through which sanguine streams are swept.
Some say hearts are locked forever
In emotional embrace.
I say hearts, they are as poison
And especially the ace.
It's the hearts that won't be broken
That the players learn to dread.
And the club with just two symbols
That's always getting led.
It's the vaunted jack of diamonds
That can wipe your total clean,
And the spade they call the Maverick
That can drop the deadly queen.
Sure, they think they have you beaten,
But they'll sing a different tune.
You need just run out your diamonds
And you're sure to shoot the moon.
But the guy who sits beside you
Has a secret to impart.
Far beneath his stack of garbage
He reveals a single heart.
(Oh, drat.)