Song of the Mother Wolf

“Here I lie in my den of shade

A-nursing the pups that I have made

Tell me of that with which you were born

And of all your plans, come tomorrow morn.”

“Mother, O Mother, it gives me joy

To drink your milk and share this den

Gladly I’ll tell of that which I am

And of my plans come tomorrow morn.”

“What are these paws that sit under your shank

And why do their toes spread so broadly-oh?

O tell me, O tell me, my child so fine

That I may come to understand you.”

“Mother, O mother, as you well know

My toes spread wide to cover the snow

So I might tread far, and never to fail

That you may follow my frag-a-rant trail.”

“Then what is this coat of thickset fur

And why does it cover your body-oh?

O tell me, O tell me, my child so fine

That I may come to understand you.”

“Mother, O mother, I’m sure you’ve been told

It keeps me warm from the ice and cold

For a mother’s warmth must be left in time

But in this thick coat, you’ll be always mine.”

“Well, what is this tail that extends from your rump

And tickles the air so freely-oh?

O tell me, O tell me, my child so fine

That I may come to understand you.”

“Mother, O mother, if you must know now

It tells other wolves that I stand proud

I carry it high to show my worth

And leave my mark on the trees and the earth.”

“Hark, what is this nose at the end of your snout

By whiskers all surrounded-oh?

O tell me, O tell me, my child so fine

That I may come to understand you.”

“Mother, O mother, as surely you’ve found,

It tells me the shape of the world around.

If any should pass, I’ll be sure to know

For my nose knows prey from friend from foe.”

“And what are these eyes that peer so blue

Out at the world and the sky-i-oh?

O tell me, O tell me, my child so fine

That I may come to understand you.”

“Mother, O Mother, I cannot lie:

These eyes are blue like the midday sky

In time they’ll fade to a rich, grown gold

But now they keep me from being old.”

“Here I lie in my den of shade

A-nursing the pups that I have made

Tell me of that with which you were born

And of all your plans, come tomorrow morn.”

Extra verses by Jamango Jackal
