You May Think You Know

Thorin N. Tatge

You’ve gotta love transforming into anything;


Is such a wonderful boon

(You and me; me and you)

Bat and raccoon

(To and fro; fro and to)

For this is the ability that takes you far—

To change what you are;

And yet, you can’t change how you’re made:


So you don’t know how it feels to walk on the heels of your feet.

You may think you know

You may feel you know

But you don’t know you know!

No, you don’t know, you don’t know, you don’t know, you don’t know, you don’t know.

And when you take another form before my eyes

In your disguse—

That which you prize for your health

(Black and blue; blue and black)

Your strength and your stealth

(Back and forth; forth and back)

It’s there I see the faculty that I would choose;

Choose to abuse!

Yet you’ll please excuse me to say

That to this day

You still don’t know what it’s like to have a raccoon’s psychology.

You may think you know.

You may feel you know.

But you don’t know you know!

No, you don’t know you don’t know you don’t know you don’t know you don’t know.

Wholly harmonious in matrimony,

And this is because I adore you.

Your slope will be steeper, and you can delve deeper

Than any have gone in before you.

But you will soon find, as you churn through my mind

With its passages squamous and seamy

That even my lover will never discover

Just what it entails to be me!

And should you choose to mimic me upon the stage

You’d be all the rage!

Just like a mage ought to be

(Now a male; now a miss)

Mimicking me!

(This and that; that and this)

You’d go all out in imitation every night

Doing everything right

And yet in spite of your act

There’s no changing the fact

That you still have no idea how truly to be a raccoon!

You may think you do.

You may feel you do.

But you don’t doo-be-doo!

No, you don’t doo-be-ty doo-be-ty jubilee doo-be-ty doo



