Reba, Reba, give me your answer true.
I don't see the world the way you do.
Although you have my affection
I've known too much rejection.
So should I mope,
Or is there hope
Of union between us two?

Kishi, Kishi, people are gonna talk.
Love is dishy; that's why I seem to balk.
To marry would be unscrupled:
You've lived my life, quadrupled.
Just be my friend
And in the end
We'll walk that eternal walk.

Reba Purple, hear me now--if I should
Move the earth'll you stick with me for good?
If it will reduce the delay
I'll even grant some leeway.
Go shimmy-shake
But just don't bake
A baby beneath your hood!

Jinshin, Jinshin, you really are a steal.
Now we're inchin' toward something good and real.
I'd hook up with you, though it meant
A very long commitment.
For you're so cute
And rich to boot
And that's what I call a deal!

CariRoze: daisy daisy, give me your anwser true....
Ringcaat: What is eighty minus a hundred two?
Ringcaat: I know you abhor subtraction.
Ringcaat: (At least it's not a fraction.)
Ringcaat: Come on!  Last chance!
CariRoze: -...I m working on it!
Ringcaat: Too late!  The ans
CariRoze: -17?
Ringcaat: wer is negative twenty-two!
