Reba of the Rivermill R's
Thorin N. Tatge
Am I jealous that you have a last name?
I have got none, but I'm proud just the same.
Everybody knows who I am because:
I am Reba of the Rivermill R's.
It began when, forty years in the past,
One Renata found herself quite aghast
When a child from a notable home
Ventured into the forest alone
Motivated to live on her own.
The child was infected and desperate
When my great grandmother came by.
She put in an effort to help her
And to this day no one knows why,
But somehow the child didn't die.
And the fairies who inhabit the wood
Gave Renata, who was selfless and good
An enchantment that she passed to her kin;
And that's where my color comes in.
She was purple from her head to her tail!
Did it hurt her? No, it helped her prevail.
For this magic let her character shine
With majesty close to divine
Now some of that glory is mine!
Renee was the child of Renata
And Randolph the son of Renee.
Renata moved into the city
And here we have lived to this day.
I guess I'm just trying to say...
That 'fairy' has an 'r',
'Forest' has an 'r',
'Danger' and 'adventure' have an 'r',
'Courage' has an 'r',
'Peril' and 'prevail' have an 'r',
'Brave' has an 'r';
And that's where we get ours.
Because 'Renata' has an 'r',
'Renee' has an 'r',
'Randolph' has an 'r' and 'Reba' has a 'r';
I have an 'r'!
You bet I am proud of my 'r'.
Pride has an 'r'.
And 'purple' has an r.
In this city raccoons crafted from scratch
We're regarded as a strain without match.
Other cities have their colortouched too,
But here it was thrilling and new.
We have talents that we share with the throng:
As for me I'm prone to break into song.
And my mother has no purple at all,
But even she always walks tall.
The name of my mother is Deirdrey
And she is a baker by trade.
She works in the mill until Thursday.
On Friday she walks the arcade
To sell the baked goods she has made.
I felt heartbreak when my Dad came to die
So I up and kissed my mother goodbye.
Now with mushrooms, I traverse great domains
But Rivermill runs in my veins.
I get restless when I'm ready to roam
But I surely will return to my home
On the river where the wheel turns still
In the city we call Rivermill.
And it always gives me a chill...
That 'river' has an 'r',
'Ready' has an 'r',
'Wanderlust' and 'travel' have an 'r'.
'Traverse' has an 'r'.
'Thrilling', 'roam' and 'journey' have an 'r'.
'Mushroom' has an 'r'.
'Raccoon' has an 'r'.
And 'Thursday' has an 'r',
'Friday' has an 'r',
Both 'arcade' and 'baker' have an 'r',
'Deirdrey' has two 'r's.
'Heartbreak', 'grief' and 'sorrow' all have 'r's.
'Mother' has an 'r'.
And 'father' had an 'r'.
But Renata lies under her gravestone.
Her children and grandson do too.
My grandmother died in a bar brawl;
Old age took the others, it's true.
For they went on four legs, not two.
My body takes after my mother.
From dad I inherit my color.
And though you may think it bizarre,
What I got from my mom is my 'eba';
It was Father who gave me my 'R'.
When I met you in that Wilderwood inn,
I could tell that you were swimming in sin.
You were balanced on the edge of a knife
Between working for death or for life.
You seduced me when we went to my crib
And I thought that you were shallow and glib.
Then I learned that there were levels to you
So now I don't know what is true.
Except, on some level, I do...
I know that 'Knacky' has no 'r'.
'Bat' has no r.
'Cunning diplomat' has no 'r'.
'Sin' has no 'r':
Nothing you are in has an 'r'.
You have no 'r'.
Your soul has no 'r'.
And 'life' has no 'r',
'Death' has no 'r'.
Neither 'good' nor 'bad' has an 'r'.
'Black' has no 'r',
'White' has no 'r'.
'Neither 'love' nor 'spite' has an 'r'.
But 'neutral' has an 'r'.
You once told me in a jocular bent
That each person has their own element.
I agreed that: maybe each person does,
But you couldn't tell which one I was
Which I suspect may be because...
'Earth' has an 'r',
'Water' has an 'r',
'Fire' has an 'r' and 'air' has an 'r'!
'Rare' has an 'r'!
'Colortouched' and 'care' have an 'r'!
'Dare' has an 'r'!
'So there' has an 'r'.
And 'dream' has an 'r'.
'Scream' has an 'r'!
'Strange', 'weird' and 'extreme' have an 'r'.
'Strive' has an 'r'.
'Thrive' has an 'r'.
'Spirit' and 'survive' have an 'r'.
'Surprise' has an 'r'!
(It has even got an extra surprise one tucked in front of the 'p'.)
Now you know me—I was touched by the stars!
I am Reba of the Rivermill R's.
I am grateful for great grandma's reward
For she was a generous person,
Whereas I'm but a wandering creature,
A fortunate glorious colortouched offspring of grandeur.
My harlot, my trollop, my strumpet.
My darling, do not be distraught.
Before you erupt with desire,
Pray hear out my terminal thought.
Although you may seem to be r-less,
In truth you're short nothing I've got.
For 'everything' has an
'Everything' has an
'Everything' has an 'r'...
And 'nothing' does not.