The Farmer and the Cloudmare
Thorin N. Tatge
To “The Farmer and the Cowman”, by Richard Rodgers, from Oklahoma!
Oh, the farmer and the cloudmare should compete,
Yes, the farmer and the cloudmare should compete.
One mare tends to trees and grain;
The other tends to wind and rain.
But that's no reason why they can't compete.
Pinkie and Spike:
Ponyville folks'll run the leaves down,
Ponyville folks, get on your marks.
Rainbow cheats at the Iron Pony,
AJ makes like a tree and barks!
(Spike: What does that mean?)
I'd like to say a word fer the farmer...
She's ethical and honest in her dealings.
She'd never play unfair; she's a decent, forthright mare.
Rainbow Dash:
Who smells like pig manure and apple peelings!
(Applejack: Now that was uncalled-for!)
(Rainbow Dash: Well, it's true!)
The farmer has a wealth of extra duties,
Like baking, stomping grapes, and apple coring.
She works from dawn 'til dark, putting food into the market!
Rainbow Dash: I guess that's why she's usually so boring!
(Applejack: Take that back!)
Oh, the farmer and the cloudmare should compete,
Yes, the farmer and the cloudmare should compete.
One mare likes to push a cloud,
The other stands there looking proud,
But that's no reason why they can't compete.
Pinkie and Spike:
Use that tree like a giant slingshot;
Run from the bee swarm at your tail.
Rainbow screws with the trail directions;
AJ just syrups up the trail!
Rainbow Dash:
I'd to say a word for the cloudmare―
Her way of life is nothing short of awesome.
Through pressure fronts and cold, she's intrepid and she's bold...
Applejack: But when there's work to do, she just plays possum!
Rainbow Dash: (What? I do not.)
The cloudmare has a full and busy schedule...
It's a wonder she can keep it without snapping.
There's all kinds of crazy weather that she's got to keep together...
Applejack: No wonder you spend four hours each day napping!
(Rainbow Dash: Okay, that's it. It is ON.)
Oh, the farmer and the cloudmare should compete.
Yes, the farmer and the cloudmare should compete.
One works hard to feed the town;
The other sends the hailstones down,
But that's no reason why they can't compete.
Pinkie and Spike:
Ponyville folks are finished running;
Rainbow and AJ fell behind.
Twilight, proud of a fifth-place medal
Gives 'em a small piece of her mind!
Twilight Sparkle:
I'd like to teach you both a little saying
Now that we're at the finish of the race.
I don't say that I'm better than anypony else...
...But if you're so great, how come you got last place?!
We don't say we're no better than anypony else,
But if you're so great, how come you got last place?!
Pinkie and Spike:
Ponyville folks ran all the leaves down;
Rainbow and AJ feeling dumb.
Too much spite turned to too much cheating;
Better to call your pal your chum!
Princess Celestia tells the racers:
Not quite all of the job got done.
AJ and Dash forgive each other,
Throw their heads in the air and run!