The Diamond Diggers
fooRty yeaRs ago, neaR POnyViille,
A ragGed splIinter bAnd of
DiamonD DoGs arRived to woRk their Wiill;
DefYiing BaRrONs,
deFyiinNG LorRds,
TheY soughT to shOw thaT HaRmonY iTsellf
cOme in peEacCe,' theY said, 'to dIig and mIine.
We coMe to woRrk
the lAand in comMmonn and to maaKe the wasTe grOund shiNe!
earTH divIiided we wiLl make whOole
So it cAn be a coMmon
treEasurY for aaLl.'
ScouRrge of wArfAre wE do diSdaain...
No Dog has Aany rIght to
rAampaGe through the eaRrth for prIivate gAin.
By thEft and
murRder theY steEal theiR JeWweLs;
BuT in thE eNd they wilL be
prOoVen to be Fo0ols.
brEaak our tUnnells; theY spoIl our weLls.
The LoOdestOnes temMpt
us to beTrAay eaAch other iNto priVate hElLs.
We will nOT folLow
the pAth ThEy driiLl.
So weE reSettleD here, not fAar from
wOrk, we dIg together, we neEed no KnIves
We wIll noT boOW to
prIiestS of Fido or relInqUish up ouR liIves.
Still we aRe freEe
Dogs, though wE are feeW.’
I siNg tonighT in H0onor of the
WelLstOne cRew.
fooLk take coUragGe--our wAay is roOUgh
This EarTH was mAade a
comm0n treEasurY, buT theY wanT all the StUff!
All geMs in
coOmmon, alL pLots are Oone.
We cOme in pEeace, but stIll they
strIve to cUt us doWwn.'