Splinter Wrap-Up

As transcribed by Pinkie Pie in “Pinkie Pie's Travelogue”, Appendix B to “The Combinatorics Project” by Thorin N. Tatge. To the tune of “Winter Wrap Up” by Daniel Ingram, from “Winter Wrap-Up”, E11S1 of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

Four months of wild adventures in a crazy multiverse!

No lessons to prepare for this, and no chance to rehearse.

But the cures we've made have served their ends, or at least we hope they will...

And my heart longs for the smells of my familiar Ponyville!

It's time for us to go back home!

(I only wish we could.)

We've had a lot of time to roam

our cosmic neighborhood.

We've helped in every way we could

We even invented some!

And even though it's all been good

I wish that we were done!

Splinter Wrap-Up, Splinter Wrap-Up!

Let's gather those errant shoots.

Splinter Wrap-Up, Splinter Wrap-Up!

Time to get back to our roots!

Now we need our homeward routes.

Dancing in the chocolate rain

A Pinkie's paradise

Can make some ponies go insane

Which isn't all that nice.

We braved the storms and we scaled the high peaks!

We caulked the windows with our love

And we stopped up all the leaks!

Splinter Wrap-Up, Splinter Wrap-Up!

Let's gather those errant shoots.

Splinter Wrap-Up, Splinter Wrap-Up!

Time to get back to our roots!

Splinter Wrap-Up, Splinter Wrap-Up!

Time to get back to our roots!

Now we need our homeward routes.

For that all things should be well

And that thy life be free”

I've chanted that ten thousand times

In hopes you'll stay with me.

I've made so many strange new friends:

Cockatrice and manticore!

But this adventure never ends

Unless we close that final door!

Splinter Wrap-Up, Splinter Wrap-Up!

Let's gather those errant shoots.

Splinter Wrap-Up, Splinter Wrap-Up!

Time to get back to our roots!

Splinter Wrap-Up, Splinter Wrap-Up!

Time to get back to our roots!

Now we need our homeward routes.

No easy task to bring about

An impossible recipe.

But proper spunkiness can cure


Newborn hope and sweet revenge

Beautiful flowers too!

To think that I can only pray

It gets back home to you!

Splinter Wrap-Up, Splinter Wrap-Up!

Let's gather those errant shoots.

Splinter Wrap-Up, Splinter Wrap-Up!

Time to get back to our roots!

Splinter Wrap-Up, Splinter Wrap-Up!

Time to get back to our roots!

Now we need our homeward routes.

Now that I've seen the world of worlds

I'm like a sailing star

Whose cradle tumbles in the space

Twixt Far and Very Far.

I am a streak across the ocean

Falling humbled and meek

I want to return to my nest

So I can see my streak

So I can see my streak!

Splinter Wrap-Up, Splinter Wrap-Up!

Let's gather those errant shoots.

Splinter Wrap-Up, Splinter Wrap-Up!

'Cause we've all been errant shoots!

Splinter Wrap-Up, Splinter Wrap-Up!

Time to get back to our roots!

Time to chart our homeward routes.

Now we need our homeward routes!
