Scootaloo's Song

Thorin N. Tatge

(to “Scooby-Doo, Where Are You!” by David Mook and Ben Raleigh)

Spoken: Scootaloooo! Scoot-Scootaloooo!

Scoota-Scootaloo! Where are you?

Your friends are all out lookin' for you.

No need to be blue, Scootaloo

'Cause Rainbow's fans will still adore you.

Though you cannot fly, you get by

In style on your wing-powered scooter.

Someday you will match Rainbow Dash

If she agrees to be your tutor.

You might be building jungle gyms or planting posies in the park

On a lark!

But as long as you keep scooting you'll be sure to get your Cutie Mark!

(What a spark!)

Scoota-Scootaloo! Look at you!

You're with the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

To yourself be true, Scootaloo

And never listen to the haters.

Scooty! Scootalee-doo.

Scooty! Scoot-scootaloo!

And you'll grow up to be a star!
