Pinkie's Song
By Thorin N. Tatge
To a warped version of “Comin' Back Soon (The Bereft Man's Song)” by The Crash Test Dummies
When you're a pony lover
It's hard to pick
One above another
But as a brony you're supposed
To say which one
You like the most
Well I'll tell you who
And I'll tell you why
When asked this question
I can just reply
That while I'd like to spend
Time with Fluttershy
It appears my perfect pouncy party pony's Pinkie Pie.
She's of enormous cheer
Prancing there
Emerging here
Pinkie, I'd describe you as
Greatest spaz.
You've got so much flair;
You've got so much flash.
Your brilliant mind is a big mish-mash.
And while I'd like to shoot
The breeze with Rainbow Dash,
You're the one with the pizzazz, the one with the panache.
Twilight Sparkle may have magic
But your very existence seems more magical!
Least that's what I've found.
Mysteries abound
And a moment with you's never dull…
Never dull.
You pull an amazing prank—
Three balloons
On your flank.
And things go falling without fail
When you have
A twitchy tail
Now I like Applebloom
And you know it's true
I cheer for Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo
And while I've got a soft spot for Dinky Doo
I'll always come back, come back, come back, come back home to you.
You're quite a sight to see!
Even more
Than Rarity.
And you've always got my back
Just as much
As Applejack
Well, we can tell them all
They can take a hike
For while I'd surely like to chill with Spike
The honest truth is that
He's just a little tyke
But you're the one I really really hate
I hate you…
You're the one I really really really really like.
Ohhhhh wooah-ohh-oh…
Pinkie Pie!