Mbala's Song
Thorin N. Tatge
To “At the Gala” by Daniel Ingram
With Mbala!
At the theater!
These many years ago!
They were serving buttered popcorn
To Mbala! (To Mbala!)
He enjoyed it
And he pointed
As we sat and watched the show
And I had a revelation
Right there with Mbala!
(Nothing you have to do, chilling with Mbala!
With Mbala.)
With Mbala
In the theater
There was nothing I could do:
All the actors
And the stagehoofs—
The entire cast and crew
Had a script they had to follow
For me and Mbala!
(So much that we couldn't change was happening before us.
All this fatalism made no difference to Mbala!
To Mbala!)
But Mbala
Had his popcorn
And it gave him some control...
So I sat and ate the popcorn
With Mbala! (With Mbala!)
He was only
A spectator
But he seemed to like that role!
I was lounging back and laughing
That night with Mbala!
(Salty buttered kernels helped us have the best night ever!
Tasty and immediate, all thanks to Mbala!
To Mbala!)
And as we ate our popcorn
I understood the pattern
We ate it fast, we ate it slow;
We crunched in rhythm with the show.
There in a crowd of thousands
Our little puffy diamonds
Gave us our own experience,
Me and Mbala!
(Every pony in the theater had their own sensations!
Each perspective is unique, just like me and Mbala!
And Mbala!)
It was then I realized that one need not be a creator
To appreciate the ins and outs of going to the theater.
You can still live your own life if you are only a spectator.
And this all was
Second nature
To someone like Mbala!
(All this ingrained wisdom in Mbala.
In Mbala!)
With Mbala
All that happens
Can be taken in this way!
All these doers
And achievements
In the world of today
Are just entertaining players
In a giant play!
(Life must be the best play ever!)
Here with Mbala, things are chill
There's no need to exert our will;
Here with Mbala, life goes by
And we watch it unfolding!
Here with Mbala, have a snack—
Just reach into a popcorn sack!
Here with Mbala, all is well.
Here with Mbala, there's no pressure.
Here with Mbala, we have fun
No matter how the world is run
He's white! He's black!
Less tight than slack
So let's kick back!
With Mbala...
With Mbala...
We will have the best night ever!
With Mbala!