Into the Dawn
Thorin N. Tatge
(To “Want You Gone” from Portal 2, by Jonathan Coulton)
Well, here we are again.
We're back in Ponyville, but
A million things are wrong
Just like before.
That pony's eating meat;
Those clouds are cotton candy.
How many jumps until
I just don't care anymore?
You are my only constant!
That's what I'm counting on.
We'll keep each other sane
As we fly into the dawn.
For me, reality
Has always been a burden.
Now Twilight's mania
Has cut me loose.
A cure for Rarity
Could only tip the iceburg.
This may be madness
But at least it's not Scootabuse!
Dash, we've got so much life left!
That's what I'm counting on.
Who needs consistency?
When we've got the light of dawn.
When I meet other mes
I don't feel quite as special.
To feel normal
For me feels strange.
But you could pick me out
Among ten dozen Pinkies
You'd wink and smile
And make me promise never to change!
You'd never leave me, Dashie!
That's what I'm counting on.
Let's find some new horizons:
Fly me into the dawn!
Let's fly into the dawn!
'til we find the dawn!