Four-Ball Trick Shot

as sung by Derpy Doo on EquestriaMUCK

So many young and so fool...

Was maiding out drinks... in house full of pool.
When after my work--was rare to have play.

When someone play with me? Was meant a good day.
My evenings were fun...sometimes I even won.

But he was truly pool shark, and did his magics in the dark!

Four-ball Trick Shot―Pool hall player pony. Never stopped his game on―always sly and phony.

Four-ball Trick Shot...purple as the mys-ter-i-ous sky!

In time of a month...was putty in hooves.

Was smiling his tricks...was treasure his moves.

Was only sixteen--much younger inside!

Was too new to think...would never be bride.
I thought I had him dear. His reason it was clear!
But he would never ever marry, even when the thought flew scary!

Four-ball Trick Shot―Pool hall player pony. Never stopped his game on! Never matrimony.

Four-ball Trick Shot...purple as the mys-ter-i-ous sky!

For I pegasus! And he unicorn.

Said could not stay...and leaving forlorn.
Watched at the bar...some night and most morn.

Thought of 'til day...that Dinky was born.
I always wonder when. But never saw again!

Four-ball Trick Shot―Pool hall player pony. Came and loved, and left me feeling lonely.

Four-ball Trick Shot...purple as the mys-ter-i-ous sky!

And whenever look at Dinky.

...See the lavender inside.

And the anger, and the lostness, all inside...

And cry!
