Clara's Song
To “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds” by The Beatles
As sung by Clara to Diamond Dancer in an EquestriaMUCK roleplay set in the caverns of the Topaz clan.
PiCture youRself on a cliFf near a SunSsEt...
With taNngerIne sHAdowS and tOurRmeliNe skIies...
SomeBodY calls and you aNswer quItee sloOwlyy...
A Dog with KaleeIdeScope eyYes..."
AsteRroiD cIties of siilicOn gLass
TuMblinG overr yOur heEad...
LooK for the prIinceEss who briNngs you the Sun
...But shE's goOne.
CitY in the SkYy with DiamMond.
CitTy in the sskKy wiTh DiIamonD.
CitY in the skyY with DiamOnd.
AhhHhhh, ahhHhhh...
FollOw heR Up on a ChaArRioT ComEt
And rEsst in the gRanDeuR of DaY blAck as cOaal.
EverYone smiLes as you dRIft past the iSlands
That mAake everry DiIiamMond DoG whoOole.
SpiIirRes of OcHre witH lImmitleSs hoLes...
WaiTing for Uss to eXploooRre...
WhethEr oN BaSallt or FloOating on ClooUDs,
WE WilL SoOaR.
CiiTy in the SKyy with DiAmoNd!
CityY in the SkyY wIth DIamond!
CIty iN the skYy wiTH DiAmoNd!
AHhHhh... Ahhhh!!
PicTure youRseLf in the HearRt of the coSsmmOs
SuRrouunnDed by teXturRe in maarVelOus SkiIes.
SudDennLy, soMebOdy's paW on youR sHoullder:
The Dog wIth KaLeeiDesScope eYyeS.
CiitTy in the skYy wiTh DiaAmoNd!
CiIty iN the sKyy with DiiAmOnd!
CitY in The SkkY WitH DiaaMonD!