Gonna Make My Own Way
By Simba, Mynama, Sakara and Boo’katili
As sung on Endless Round MUCK on January 22nd, 2006
Simba: I'm really not much of a climber—I'm more about running, I'm more about prowling. I'm more about roaring, and yelling and growling, and telling you what to do! Woo-oo!
You can't tell a lion by his spots--or his swirls or stripes, or his polka dots--but what you can tell's from the way that he hops--to try out for somethin' new!
So now I'm cliiiiimbing, and my claws feel sharper than eeeeeeeever! (Mark my words!) Cliiiiiimbing, and I don't see any reason to stoppppppp!"
I'm gonna make my own way, and it's gonna be bright, so long as I can see the light. Not gonna fall for fright--I'm not scared of heights! No! I'm gonna make my own way!
Mynama: You're gonna learn so many new things—we're all about climbing, we're all about stalking. We're all about playing, and biting and snarling, and beating the crap out of you!
But now you're cliiiiimbing! But my claws are still sharper than yaaaaaaaa-ours! Ready-set-go! Cliiiiiiimbing, and I'm gonna reach the top—before you! HA!
Simba: HA! We'll see about that!
Chorus: I'm gonna make my ooooown way, and it's gonna be bright--so long as I can see the light! Not gonna fall for fright--I'm not scared of heights! No! I'm gonna make my own way!
Sakara: I told you, you've just gotta...
Make your owwwwn way, find what fits! Even if you fall, you'll show them all-- all you've gotta do is learn what it takes! Soon you'll be the yellowest Shadow, you're already on your waaay!
Oh, you're cllliiimmmbing!
Simba: And I'm gonna reach the top--before you!
Sakara: We'll see about thaaat!
Mynama: Hurry up slowpoke!
Boo'katili: You're really, my lad, not much yet of a prowler - or a climber, or a runner, or a Kiiing! You've got so much to learn, dear, about hunting, hurting, harming; every one of those an elementary thiiing! A roar without bite?, an empty burst of air! A prince without claws?, a most unworthy heeeeir! Now listen, boy, it's all so easy - forget your manners, just live free!, and you will be the strongest of them allll!
Take note, prince, of how we prosper here. The mountain has its order, top-to-trunk! The strong thrive and the weak must flee in fear!, the Circle junk is all a lot of bunk! So yes, my pupils - find your very own ways! But always 'neath the mountain's grand shadow! The jungle ours, the grassland his—but never-ever forget this: /Nature/ rules!, here-there-then-and-now!
Simba: Nature rules?
Boo'katili: Nature rules!
We've got claws, and they've got meat, and we're the ones who've got to eat—them. So why bother being friends?, why bother with good will?, they're meant for us to slaughter - fact is, we've got to kill!
So bother all the ceremony, blast wretched love-and-care -- at the end of the day what matters is whose been eaten or beaten!, and whether or not it's /fair/...
It's the way! Our very own way! A path you walk, a rock we climb - but all of us seeing, in good time!, that Nature's way shall rule!
Chorus: I'm gonna make my ooooown way, and it's gonna be bright--so long as I can see the light! Not gonna fall for fright--I'm not scared of heights! No! I'm gonna make my own way!
Simba: I'm really not much of a jungle-cat! I like the savannah, I'm more a Pridelander! But how could I turn down something so much grander? Who needs the grass under their feet?
I once kinda wanted to sit at the top--I wanted to rule, I wanted Pride Rock—But they tell me that that's a dark path to walk, so I reckon my walk’s complete!
And now, I'm cliiiiimbing, and I feel like a whole new kid! I'm cliiiiiimbing! And I won't stay forever hid!!
Mynama: It's a world where the strongest survive!
Sakara: But for now, and forever... you'll be climmmbbiinnng!
Boo'katili: With your claws now!, mind you!
Myanama: Cliiiiiimbing!
Sakara: Cliiiiiimbing!
Simba: Cliiiimbing! Cuz I'm gonna make my own way.
Mynama: HA!