O, Holy Shit

O, Holy Night—oh crap, I started too high!

Now there’s no way I can finish the song.

I should have started on a C or B,

But not on an E; my God, what have I done?

This is a tough song in the best of keys;

Its range exceeds an octave and a half.

Please….stop the song…

Oh shit…it’s getting higher.

Let me get off

My throat is getting sore!

Oh no….here goes!

and then either

Oh, hey,

That wasn’t so bad.


Oh man

did I screw that up!

Wait, we’re not done?

Oh, you’ve got to be kidding!

I’ve barely managed to make it this far.

Who sings the second verse in any case?

There are other songs with the wise men and star.

I guess this song confirms my love of Jesus:

The high note is the perfect leap of faith!

Cover your ears!

My vocal chords are dying

It’s bound to be worse

Look out—it’s nearly here.

Sonic ATTACK!!

O cruel sonic attack!!
